"English Learning Media That Is Easy And Fun For Students"


Language is a means of communication between people. Through the language of the message and the intention to be conveyed by someone can be accepted and understood by others. Language has a very important role so that it can be said that language is an asset to carry on life. In Indonesia there are a variety of verbal languages that characterize each ethnic group. There are so many diverse languages in the world, one of the foreign languages taught in formal education is English. English is an international language that is used by many countries. As we know, English dominates all aspects of communication between nations. It can't be denied if English is really needed at this time. English also has a very important role in aspects of education, technology, economics, politics, culture, and various other fields.

English language skills have become an important skill that students need to master to face the globalization era that has been going on in recent years. Therefore, many ways on how to improve English language skills have been implemented, and developed various educational institutions in Indonesia. In addition, the efforts of each student to develop this ability can also be reflected inour own community who are already quite active in using English in the world of work and school in particular. One way to make learning English easy and enjoyable is to use learning media so that students are not easily bored with the material that will be provided.
