Revised Essay

"English Learning Media That Is Easy And Fun For Students"


Language is a means of communication between people. Through the language of the message and the intention to be conveyed by someone can be accepted and understood by others. Language has a very important role so that it can be said that language is an asset to carry on life. In Indonesia there are a variety of verbal languages that characterize each ethnic group. There are so many diverse languages in the world, one of the foreign languages taught in formal education is English. English is an international language that is used by many countries. As we know, English dominates all aspects of communication between nations. It cant be denied if English is really needed at this time. English also has a very important role in aspects of education, technology, economics, politics, culture, and various other fields.

English language skills have become an important skill that students need to master to face the globalization era that has been going on in recent years. Therefore, many ways on how to improve English language skills have been implemented, and developed various educational institutions in Indonesia. In addition, the efforts of each student to develop this ability can also be reflected inour own community who are already quite active in using English in the world of work and school in particular. One way to make learning English easy and enjoyable is to use learning media so that students are not easily bored with the material that will be provided.


English is an international language that is widely taught in various countries in the world.  Many residents in each country use English as a communication tool at various important meetings at the international level. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language learned as a compulsory subject from junior high school to tertiary education. One of the efforts of the Government of Indonesia in improving English language skills is to introduce English earlier in formal educational institutions, which starts from elementary school.

In the current era of globalization encouraging all aspects of life to adapt, English can help us in efforts to dominate the world, dominating the world not politically or militarily but more to other aspects, such as lifestyle, culture, and others. There are so many benefits that can be obtained in learning English, especially in students who learn languages students will feel familiar with this language. English learning must consider the strategies and media used so that English learning is easy to discuss and fun for students, therefore English learning must be supported by methods and use of media tools for language learning that are easy and interesting, media understanding is also expressed by Ramiszowski (in Suyanto, 2010: 101) which states that the media are messengers, a tool to convey the teacher's message to students.

The teacher's role in learning is to provide, demonstrate, guide and motivate students so that they can interact with various learning resources available. Not only learning resources in the form of people, but also other learning resources. Not only learning resources that are deliberately designed for learning purposes, but also learning resources that are available. All the learning resources that we can find, we choose and use them as learning resources for our students.  Interaction between students and learning resources can vary. How to learn by listening to lectures from the teacher is indeed one form of these interactions. But learning just by listening alone, its effectiveness should be doubted. Learning will only be effective if the learner is given many opportunities to do something, through multi methods and multi media. Through a variety of learning methods and media, students will be able to interact more actively by utilizing all the potential students have.

By using learning media it will be easier for teachers to implement teaching strategies. The use of instructional media and the application of appropriate teaching strategies will improve student learning outcomes. The use of instructional media will help teachers in certain class conditions.  Teachers who teach in classrooms with large numbers of students can use the media. Determining the appropriate media used in learning must be adjusted to the objectives, strategies, time available and other supporting facilities. The use of media in the learning process in schools is related to the level of psychological development as well as the ability of students who follow the learning process and adjusted to the interests and talents of students who can arouse student motivation for learning. In doing learning, every teacher should have a learning medium. Learning media in general are teaching aids or aids in the learning and teaching process. Learning media can be in the form of books, sounds, video images and so on.

Some practical uses of the use of instructional media are learning media can clarify the presentation of messages and information so as to facilitate and improve the process and learning outcomes. Besides learning media can increase and direct the attention of students so that it can lead to learning motivation, more direct interaction between students and their environment, and the possibility of students to learn independently according to their abilities and interests.  Learning media can also overcome the limitations of the senses, space and time.

The use of media in the learning process can attract interest and motivate student learning. This is in line with the opinion of Nana Sudjana and Ahmad Rivai (1991: 2) that the benefits of media in learning are: First, learning will be more attractive to students so that it can foster student motivation. Second, the learning material will be clearer in meaning so that it can be better understood by students and enables students to achieve learning goals better. Third, students have more learning activities because they not only listen to the description from the teacher but also other activities such as observing, doing, demonstrating, and so on.

According to Rusman (2011: 172), one of the functions of learning media in the learning process is that learning will attract more students attention so that it can foster a spirit of learning and the learning material will be more clear in meaning so that it can be better understood and enable students to master learning goals better. The use of media is tailored to the needs, characteristics of students, and the material delivered. Some learning media that are easy and fun for students.

1. Learning Media Narrative Text

In the 2013 curriculum the narrative text is taught at the high school grades of class X, XI and XII. For learning Narrative text, teachers can use serial pictures (flash series), flash cards, puppets (puppets), dolls. To use technology educators can download narrative videos from YouTube. Just by typing keywords on YouTube, educators will easily download traditional story videos such as Malin Kundang, Roro Jongrang, Bandung Bondowoso, or foreign stories such as Cinderella, thumbellina, two little pigs, pinocchio and others. Besides downloading from YouTube, teachers can also show dramas, narrative stories that have been sold freely in the form of VCDs and DVDs. For higher creativity, the teacher can assign students to create a play project (drama assignment) which of course can be used as a medium for learning narrative text.

2. Learning Media Discussion Text

The communicative purpose of the Discussion Text itself is to present a problem or issue that is reviewed from at least two points of view, before coming to a conclusion or recommendation. For media on this type of text, the teacher can download from youtube to type key words in English such as The Advantage and Disadvantage of Nuclear Power, pro and cons; wearing uniforms to school, pros and cons of Facebook, internet, smoking, National Examination, Death Pinalty and others. The teacher can also pick up articles or topics that are being discussed hot from magazines or newspapers in English.

3. Learning Media Recount Text

For recount text types, teachers can use pictorial story media, images arranged chronologically according to rhetorical steps, (orientation, series of events, re orientation) in a solid story can be used as a visual aid for Recount Text. The biography of a politician, artist, scientist, sportsman and others can also be used as a learning media for recount test material. The life history of these figures can be taken from books, magazines, newspapers or from the internet. In addition, teachers can also download from YouTube for recount text stories in the form of short films of short duration.

4. Learning Media Descriptive Text

Descriptive texts describe a characteristic or characteristic of a person or even living / dead objects specifically. In this case the adjective (Adjective) is very important to learn or convey to students. Teachers can use the media images of figures, attractions, places, historical buildings, animals and plants taken from magazines, newspapers or downloaded from the internet. In addition, the use of power point applications can also be applied to teach descriptive text material.

5. Learning Media for Vocabulary Teaching 

In communication skills there are also components that must be considered, namely vocabulary or vocabulary. Vocabulary mastery is the most basic thing that must be mastered by someone in learning English which is a foreign language for all students and Indonesian people. There are various media that can be used by educators to improve students' vocabulary mastery skills such as; snake and ladder, card, flash card, scrabble, picture, or puzzle. The media can be applied in the form of interesting games.

6. Learning Media for Listening Teaching 

Listening is an important aspect in learning English. Listening becomes the first foundation that must be understood by students. Listening skills become a fundamental skill for developing other skills. To improve the quality of students' listening skills, there are a number of media that you can use to learn to improve listening acuity and speech retention in English, including: films, songs, videos, television, and games. Of course the tape recorder, video player, laptop or computer acts as the main media for playing movies, songs, or other forms of conversation files.


In the process of teaching and learning in schools aids or learning media are used to facilitate and delight students in mastering the subject matter. In this modern era, a teacher is demanded to be able to utilize information technology advancements as an alternative learning media. The learning process can run well if supported by the use of media in accordance with the learning material is as an effort to enhance the process of teacher student interaction and student interaction in the learning environment.

English learning must consider the strategies and media used so that learning English is easy to discuss and fun for students, therefore English learning must be supported by methods and use of media tools that are easy and attractive for students. The use of media in the learning process in schools is related to the level of psychological development as well as the ability of students who follow the learning process and adjusted to the interests and talents of students who can arouse student motivation for learning. In doing learning, every teacher should have a learning medium.  Learning media in general are teaching aids or aids in the learning and teaching process. Learning media can be in the form of books, sounds, video images and so on.

Some practical uses of the use of instructional media are learning media can clarify the presentation of messages and information so as to facilitate and improve the process and learning outcomes. Besides learning media can increase and direct the attention of students so that it can lead to learning motivation, more direct interaction between students and their environment, and the possibility of students to learn independently according to their abilities and interests. One of the functions of learning media in the learning process is that learning will attract more attention of students so that it can foster enthusiasm for learning and learning material will be more meaningful so that it can be better understood and enable students to master learning objectives better.

Budiono, dkk. 2008. Strategi memanfaatkan media Gambar untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan kosakata pada pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Sekolah Dasar. http://tpcommunity05, 2008.
Dale, E. 1969. AudiovisUtama Methos in Teaching. (Third Edition). New York: The Dryden Press, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Arysad, A. (2017). Media pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rajawali Press. 
Sudjana, N. & Rivai, A. 1990. Media Pengajaran. C.V.Sinar Baru, Bandung. 
